Original Oil Paintings
If you are interested in purchasing any of the Original Oil Paintings
Email the artist at
Prints from the Original Oil Paintings
To Purchase wrapped canvas and framed prints please visit:
Art Services
Matthew Martelli does take commissions for:
Portraits, Oil Paintings, Murals and Reproductions
Wouldn't you just love to have a portrait of your pet, a loved one, your home, motorcycle, etc. then Matthew Martelli is the artists for you.
could have a treasure to last a lifetime. If you would like more information about a portrait
Matthew Martelli specializes in reproducing any photograph, painting or Idea you might have.
All you need for a custom portrait is a photograph, or just an idea of what you would like and you are on your way to owning an Original Oil Painting, hand painted especially for you.
Deposit required on all custom paintings, price depends on the detail and size of the
A portrait generally takes 1-3 months to complete depending on the detail
and size of the painting..
For a museum
quality reproduction of any painting,price depends on the detail and size of the painting.
The colors
and tones will be duplicated and even in a complex work, the fine detail
be replicated perfectly.
To see some examples of my portrait paintings click here.